COVID Guidelines
COVID RINK POLICIES – 1/29/21 Update
All Rules are Subject to Change
- Please Stay Home when Appropriate – If you or your skater/player are not feeling well, please stay home.
- Mask Mandate – all persons in the facility must wear a mask at all times, including youth on the ice, for practices and games, all events.
- Travel Advisory – Please do not come to Center Ice if you have been to any of the listed States as per PA Dept of Health. Please note some states are listed as “practically viable”. These states are recommended only.
- Building Capacity – Due to PA State capacity limits, Center Ice has an occupancy limit based on program. Please see below for information on a specific program.
- Masks – Face masks must be worn by all who enter the facility. Spectators must wear a mask at all times while in the building. If you are unable to wear a mask, please wear a face shield. If you are unable to wear a shield, please use LiveBarn or something similar to watch from the security of your home.
- Social Distancing – We ask that everyone respect the 6ft social distancing guidelines given by the Department of Health.
- Communal Spaces – Please come to the rink dressed. The common areas of the rink are not to be used for changing as locker rooms.
- Bathrooms – are open and cleaned regularly.
- Sanitizing Stations are available throughout the building.
- Cleaning and Disinfection – The building will be disinfected regularly.
- Drop and Go – Whenever possible, please drop off your skater at the door and go.
Specific to Youth Hockey
- Spectators – Per state guidelines of 10% occupancy, there are no spectators allowed in our facility at this time.
- Temperature Checks – All people entering the facility will be temperature checked. If you have a temperature of 100.4 or higher, you will be told to leave immediately.
- Masks – Players must wear a mask on and off the ice at all times.
- Locker Rooms – Please come to the rink dressed. Locker Rooms are in not in use and the common areas of the rink are not to be used as locker rooms.
- Showers – Not in use for youth hockey
- Coaches must wear a mask at all times including on the ice and on the bench.
- Players Dressed – Come to the rink dressed in full equipment. Skates may be put on inside the rink on the benches around the ends of the rinks.
- Player Benches – Player benches are sanitized between all games.
- No Bags – No Hockey bags are to come into the facility
- Player Arrival – Please do not arrive more than 15 minutes prior to practice, games or ice time. Please leave within 10 minutes of exiting the ice.
Locker Room Rules for Youth Games at Oaks Center Ice
- Masks must be worn at all times in the rink and locker rooms
- Showers will not be used
- Each player is to get dressed as much a possible before coming into the rink
- Arrival into rink and locker room is 20 minutes prior to practice/game time
- 1 locker Room Monitor, Coach, Team Manager must be present at all times, outside of the locker room, in hallway – 10 players in one locker room at a time, Once players finish dressing they must move to the hallway to allow another player in
- DO NOT overflow into another locker room
- Players will never be fully undressed (see next point)
- Door of locker room will remain open at all times
- If player does not wish to use the locker room they need to come fully dressed (see next 2 points)
- No hockey bags in the main areas or lobby area of the rink
- No changing in the main areas or lobby area of the rink
- Each team will have 15 minutes to exit the locker rooms (locker room monitor, Coach, Team Manager to be last to exit)
- Each team is responsible to sweep up any remaining tape balls, garbage left behind (locker room monitor, Coach, Team Manager to be last to exit)
- All locker rooms will be cleaned/sanitized regularly by staff
- We have 15 locker rooms, Smallest locker room is 14’ x 22’
Specific to Figure Skating
- Masks – Skaters must wear a mask on and off the ice at all times.
- Locker Rooms – Please come to the rink dressed to skate. Locker room will not be open. Skates can be put on inside the rink on the benches around the ends of the rinks
- Spectators – Per state guidelines of 50% occupancy, 1 spectator is allowed per skater in our facility at this time.
- Exit – Please leave the building within 10 minutes of exiting the ice.
- Water Bottles – Players need to bring and label their own water bottles, no sharing of water. Please fill it at home.
- Coaches – Coaches must wear a mask at all times, including on the ice.
- Social Distancing – Please practice social distancing on and off the ice while you are at the rink.
Specific to Group Lessons
- Skating Tools – No toys will be used for Group lessons at this time.
- Masks – Masks must be worn at all time by skaters and Coaches on and off the ice.
- Face shields, gators, bandanas are NOT allowed.
- Parents – Please enter the rink and head straight towards the check in table (one parent per skater allowed in the rink). After check in, head to the window to get your rental skates (no need to hand in shoes). Please practice social distancing while waiting. Once your skater is ready please wait with them at the main door to the rink until their Coach calls them.
- Getting on the Ice – Once your Class/Coach is called send your skater to the door and head to the bleachers and practice social distancing. Please stay in the bleachers until the class is over then head to the middle door of the rink to collect your skater.
- Spectators – Per state guidelines of 50% occupancy, 1 spectator is allowed per skater in our facility at this time.
- Coaches – Coaches will be wearing a mask at all times including on the ice.
- Social Distancing – Please practice social distancing when possible on and off the ice while you are at the rink. Coaches will have minimal contact with skaters on and off the ice for safety.
- Groups – Groups will be kept low in numbers of skater to coach ratio during this time for the safety of the skaters and Coaches.
Specific to Adult League
- Masks – Players must wear a mask off the ice at all times.
- Locker Rooms – Will be disinfected regularly and can be used at your own risk.
- Showers – Use at your own risk
- Spectators – Per state guidelines of 10% occupancy, there are no spectators allowed in our facility at this time.
- Exit – Please exit the building within 10 minutes after changing. No loitering in the locker room or parking lot.
- Water Bottles – Players need to bring and label their own water bottles. Please fill it at home.
Specific to CHIP
- Masks – Players must wear a mask on and off the ice at all times.
- Rental Equipment – No rental equipment will be available for CHIP at this time.
- Parents – Please enter the rink and head straight towards the check in table (one parent per skater allowed in the rink). Skaters should be fully dressed when they arrive at the rink. Skates may be put on inside the rink on the benches around the ends of the rinks. After check in head to the middle door and please practice social distancing while waiting. Once your skater enters the ice, head to the bleachers and practice social distancing. Please stay in the bleachers until the class is over then head to the middle door of the rink to collect your skater and exit the building immediately.
- Spectators – Per state guidelines of 50% occupancy, 1 spectator is allowed per skater in our facility at this time.
- No Bags – No Hockey bags are to come into the facility
- Coaches – Coaches will be wearing a mask at all times including on the ice.
- Water Bottles – Players need to bring and label their own water bottles, no sharing of water. Please fill it at home.
- Social Distancing – Please practice social distancing on and off the ice while you are at the rink.